忙著中文學校 忙著夏令營 忙著小孩許多的活動
貼在這裡跟大家分享 也留個紀錄勉勵自己
在這裡, 首先感謝唐校長 團隊 所有志工幹部與老師這一年來的辛苦
尤其, 唐校長十年前從圖書管理員做起 擔任過副財務, 財務, 教務主任, 以及副校長
First of all, I would like to thank Principal Tang and her team, all the volunteers, and our teachers’ hard work for the past year.
All our staff, who are volunteers, and some of our teachers have not only given up their salaries, but also pay their own gas and other fees, in addition to contributing a significant amount of their personal time.
Most especially, I would like to mention Principal Tang, who started as the school Librarian 10 years ago. Throughout the years, she has also served our school as Deputy Treasurer, Treasurer, Language Director, vice-principal and Principal.
我借花獻佛 在此頒發新澤西中文學校協會給唐校長的傑出領袖服務獎牌
I would like to take this opportunity to use this leadership plaque awarded by the Association of New Jersey Chinese School to thank Principal Tang for her hard work and contributions to our school for the past 10 years.
Let’s give her a warm applause.
學校是由大家組成的大家庭, 而不是少數幹部
沒有熱心的家長的付出, 中文學校是不可能存在的
我們必須繼續保持下去, 才能給自己小孩跟傳給新來的家庭
展望未來, 學校會面臨一些挑戰
也同時能認識更多朋友 豐富人生
Our School is a big family comprised of everyone working together, not just a few staff members.
Without the dedicated contributions of our many parents serving as staff members and teachers, our school would not be able to exist.
The school that we are able to enjoy and appreciate today was paved by our predecessors, and it needs to be continued by us, for our children and for future incoming families.
Our school may face some new challenges in the future. Therefore, we hope more people can join our school team, either as staff members or as part of our teaching team, and work together, hand-in-hand, to overcome these challenges.
This will not only provide our children a better learning environment, but also provide each one of us an opportunity to get to know more people, enhance our community spirit, and enrich our own lives.
在未來的一年, 學校將會有一些改變
School is entering the 16th year, a sweet sixteen.
We anticipate a few exciting new changes in the coming year. Our goal is to create a fun and practical Chinese learning environment.
首先 我在此正式宣布
透過這個活動 鼓勵學生主動學習自己有興趣的中文
並且讓老師 學生 跟家長之間彼此教學相長
First, I officially announce that we will expand the poster contest to be a multimedia poster contest. We hope to encourage students to try to think and express themselves in Chinese.
Parents and children can use this opportunity to study Chinese together and get involved in school activities, because learning Chinese goes beyond the weekly 2 hour language classes at school.
Through this activity, we hope that students will be encouraged to learn more about and pursue their interest in Chinese topics.
Parents, students and teachers can also learn from each other.
The contest descriptions and rules have been posted on school website.
Students can begin preparing for the contest during the summer.
此外, 從七月一日起
學校將發行學校月刊, 定期的跟各位家長 校友 老師與同學做雙向的溝通
期刊將會放在學校網頁 跟透過EMAIL傳送
也希望老師 學生 家長與校友能踴躍建言跟投稿, 學生將有稿費獎勵
In addition, beginning July 1st, our school will issue a monthly newsletter to encourage two-way communications between students, teachers, parents and alumni.
Activities, notices, and all school information will be included in the newsletter that will be sent by email and posted on the school website.
I encourage all students, teachers, parents and alumni to make suggestions and submit articles. There will be awards for student articles.
像是元宵節燈龍與猜燈謎 班級趣味日 中文歌唱等等
也好好想想如何讓學校有更好的中文學習環境 吸引更多學生來唸
如果有什麼建議 歡迎跟我聯絡
Our School will also host some fun and interesting Chinese knowledge-related activities, such as lantern riddles, class carnival, and Chinese Karaoke. Stay tuned for more details.
While enjoying the summer break, I also hope everyone takes some time to think about how to improve our school Chinese learning environment, and how to attract more students to join our school. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Please feel free to contact me at anytime.
最後, 祝大家 有個美好的暑假
Hope everyone has a wonderful summer break, and see you at the picnic.
忙著中文學校 忙著夏令營 忙著小孩許多的活動
貼在這裡跟大家分享 也留個紀錄勉勵自己
在這裡, 首先感謝唐校長 團隊 所有志工幹部與老師這一年來的辛苦
尤其, 唐校長十年前從圖書管理員做起 擔任過副財務, 財務, 教務主任, 以及副校長
First of all, I would like to thank Principal Tang and her team, all the volunteers, and our teachers’ hard work for the past year.
All our staff, who are volunteers, and some of our teachers have not only given up their salaries, but also pay their own gas and other fees, in addition to contributing a significant amount of their personal time.
Most especially, I would like to mention Principal Tang, who started as the school Librarian 10 years ago. Throughout the years, she has also served our school as Deputy Treasurer, Treasurer, Language Director, vice-principal and Principal.
我借花獻佛 在此頒發新澤西中文學校協會給唐校長的傑出領袖服務獎牌
I would like to take this opportunity to use this leadership plaque awarded by the Association of New Jersey Chinese School to thank Principal Tang for her hard work and contributions to our school for the past 10 years.
Let’s give her a warm applause.
學校是由大家組成的大家庭, 而不是少數幹部
沒有熱心的家長的付出, 中文學校是不可能存在的
我們必須繼續保持下去, 才能給自己小孩跟傳給新來的家庭
展望未來, 學校會面臨一些挑戰
也同時能認識更多朋友 豐富人生
Our School is a big family comprised of everyone working together, not just a few staff members.
Without the dedicated contributions of our many parents serving as staff members and teachers, our school would not be able to exist.
The school that we are able to enjoy and appreciate today was paved by our predecessors, and it needs to be continued by us, for our children and for future incoming families.
Our school may face some new challenges in the future. Therefore, we hope more people can join our school team, either as staff members or as part of our teaching team, and work together, hand-in-hand, to overcome these challenges.
This will not only provide our children a better learning environment, but also provide each one of us an opportunity to get to know more people, enhance our community spirit, and enrich our own lives.
在未來的一年, 學校將會有一些改變
School is entering the 16th year, a sweet sixteen.
We anticipate a few exciting new changes in the coming year. Our goal is to create a fun and practical Chinese learning environment.
首先 我在此正式宣布
透過這個活動 鼓勵學生主動學習自己有興趣的中文
並且讓老師 學生 跟家長之間彼此教學相長
First, I officially announce that we will expand the poster contest to be a multimedia poster contest. We hope to encourage students to try to think and express themselves in Chinese.
Parents and children can use this opportunity to study Chinese together and get involved in school activities, because learning Chinese goes beyond the weekly 2 hour language classes at school.
Through this activity, we hope that students will be encouraged to learn more about and pursue their interest in Chinese topics.
Parents, students and teachers can also learn from each other.
The contest descriptions and rules have been posted on school website.
Students can begin preparing for the contest during the summer.
此外, 從七月一日起
學校將發行學校月刊, 定期的跟各位家長 校友 老師與同學做雙向的溝通
期刊將會放在學校網頁 跟透過EMAIL傳送
也希望老師 學生 家長與校友能踴躍建言跟投稿, 學生將有稿費獎勵
In addition, beginning July 1st, our school will issue a monthly newsletter to encourage two-way communications between students, teachers, parents and alumni.
Activities, notices, and all school information will be included in the newsletter that will be sent by email and posted on the school website.
I encourage all students, teachers, parents and alumni to make suggestions and submit articles. There will be awards for student articles.
像是元宵節燈龍與猜燈謎 班級趣味日 中文歌唱等等
也好好想想如何讓學校有更好的中文學習環境 吸引更多學生來唸
如果有什麼建議 歡迎跟我聯絡
Our School will also host some fun and interesting Chinese knowledge-related activities, such as lantern riddles, class carnival, and Chinese Karaoke. Stay tuned for more details.
While enjoying the summer break, I also hope everyone takes some time to think about how to improve our school Chinese learning environment, and how to attract more students to join our school. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Please feel free to contact me at anytime.
最後, 祝大家 有個美好的暑假
Hope everyone has a wonderful summer break, and see you at the picnic.