這是美國前二十名大學與文理學院2014年的錄取率, 這些學校也就是通常的名校, 很多台灣人可能沒有聽過一些小型的文理學院, 其實這些學校比大多數的州立大學都好.
錄取率只是代表學校在入學申請中競爭的程度, 而不代表個人被錄取的機會, 不過, 越競爭的學校, 被錄取的機會當然就越小.
近年美國名校的錄取率一年比一年低, 今年的錄取率大約是十年前的一半, , 這是由於美國人口持續增加, 更重要的是國際學生申請人數大增, 而名校能收的人數卻沒有增加太多, 按照這趨勢持續下去, 再過十年, 名校的錄取率將有可能是現在的一半, 所以, 下一代的競爭會越來越激烈.
這些名單是摘自於華盛頓郵報 (The Washington Post)
八所常春滕大學用紅色標示, 台灣人常聽到的加州理工學院 (CIT), 麻省理工學院 (MIT), 史丹佛(Stanford), 柏克萊 (Berkeley), 芝加哥大學(U Chicago) 等校用藍色標示.
這些名校絕大多數都是私立的, 只有柏克萊 (Berkeley)是州立, 跟美國海軍官校(U.S. Naval Academy) 與美國陸軍官校 (U.S. Military Academy)是國立的, 不像台灣, 排名在前面的都是國立大學.
College admission rates for Class of 2018: an imperfect but closely watched metric
Amherst College: 1,103 admission offers out of 8,468 applications, 13 percent.
Bowdoin College: 1,032 offers out of 6,935 apps, 15 percent.
Brown University: 2,619 offers out of 30,432 apps, 9 percent.
California Institute of Technology(CIT): 529 offers out of 6,524 apps, 8 percent.
Carleton College: 1,446 offers out of 6,293 apps, 23 percent.
Claremont McKenna College: 613 offers out of 6,043 apps, 10 percent.
Colgate University: 2,224 offers out of 8,713 apps, 26 percent.
Columbia University: 2,291 offers out of 32,967 apps, 7 percent.
Cornell University: 6,014 offers out of 43,041 apps, 14 percent.
Dartmouth College: 2,220 offers out of 19,296 apps, 12 percent.
Davidson College: 1,169 offers out of 5,558 apps, 21 percent.
Duke University: 3,499 offers out of 32,506 apps, 11 percent.
Emory University: 4,616 offers out of 17,797 apps, 26 percent.
Grinnell College: 1,626 offers out of 6,056 apps, 27 percent.
Hamilton College: 1,312 offers out of 5,071 apps, 26 percent.
Harvard University: 2,023 offers out of 34,295 apps, 6 percent.
Harvey Mudd College: 510 offers out of 3,678 apps, 14 percent. Note: Harvey Mudd’s figures are based on what it labels “actionable” applications, meaning those that are complete enough for the college to make a decision. Separately, it reports a higher figure for total apps. If that higher figure were used, its admission rate would be a percentage point lower.
Haverford College: no figures available yet.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):1,419 offers out of 18,357 apps, 8 percent.
Middlebury College: 1,422 offers out of 8,196 apps, 17 percent.
Northwestern University: 4,349 offers out of 33,673 apps, 13 percent.
Pomona College: 938 offers out of 7,727 apps, 12 percent.
Princeton University: 1,939 offers out of 26,641 apps, 7 percent.
Rice University: 2,498 offers out of 17,720 apps, 14 percent.
Smith College: 1,802 offers out of 4,461 apps, 40 percent.
Stanford University: 2,138 offers out of 42,167 apps, 5 percent.
Swarthmore College: 930 offers out of 5,540 apps, 17 percent.
University of California at Berkeley: no figures available until April 18.
University of Chicago: 2,304 offers out of 27,503 apps, 8 percent.
University of Notre Dame: 3,720 offers out of 17,897 apps, 21 percent.
University of Pennsylvania: 3,583 offers out of 35,868 apps, 10 percent.
U.S. Military Academy: no figures available yet.
U.S. Naval Academy: no figures available yet.
Vanderbilt University: 3634 offers out of 29,490 apps, 12 percent.
Vassar College: 1,771 offers out of 7,784 apps, 23 percent.
Washington University in St. Louis: 5,002 offers out of 29,211 apps, 17 percent.
Wellesley College: 1,330 offers out of 4,710 apps, 28 percent.
Wesleyan University: 2,199 offers out of 9,477 apps, 23 percent.
Williams College: 1,150 offers out of 6,316 apps, 18 percent.
Yale University: 1,935 offers out of 30,932 apps, 6 percent.